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Happiness is a choice. Plain and simple. Nothing more, nothing less.

If you want to be happy or want to create happiness in your life, the first and foremost understanding you must have is that you deserve to be happy. Without believing this, the battle is futile. Remember your Greatness!

Knowing and accepting that happiness is your birth right, changes the way you see the life before you. Now, the mission becomes how to acquire that which is so amazing and liberating. So the next step becomes understanding what happiness looks like to you.

Everyone’s definition or activity that manifests happiness can be very different. So find a peaceful space, look inside yourself and remember the times when you smiled and laughed a lot. The times when your heart was light and full of laughter.

Go back and reminisce about the people and pets who showed you unconditional love and compassion. And don’t forget the friends who stood by you in the tough times but also helped you get into innocent trouble every once in a while. It could also be as simple as remembering the quiet time you spent by yourself on the couch with a good book and your favorite chocolate.

Can you imagine a world where you never stop smiling? Incredible, isn’t it? That world is waiting for you to come and play. Admission is always free and you need only bring your joyful spirit.

Now that you have come to understand that happiness is a part of your life and that you know what it feels like for you, the time has come to experience it everyday of your life.  If you are waiting on permission, it is hereby granted.  However, the only person who’s authority you require to start living a life filled with happiness and contentment, is yourself.

Go forth on your amazing journey. May it always bring you peace of heart and love to all those around you.

Love and Blessings,
Dina Marie Blas
© 2013 Dina Marie Blas. Don’t forget to download my free ebook: 10 Simple Steps to Boost your Confidence Now! It will transform your life!

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